
The Difference Between a Meal Replacement Shake and a Protein Shake

Most of us in the contemporary world today are health conscious and are drooling at the sexy looks of celebrities. We ask, what is their secret at staying fit as they age? We can only guess and do a never-ending search for a perfect formula at staying slim but we will never truly find one […]

What to look for in a meal replacement shake

Not all meal replacement shakes are created equal and whilst most of the popular shakes on the market are safe and reasonably effective, some shakes are definitely better than others. Ignore the Hype When looking for a meal replacement shake, we advise you to ignore glossy marketing materials and persuasive sales tactics and look more […]

Our Review Criteria Explained

Unlike some websites we really do test every product before publishing a review. Our final review is based on this test, combined with a detailed review of the products ingredients/formulation techniques and feedback from our readers. We provide an overall score and individual scores for the following categories Cost Nutritional Content Fat Burning Ability Hunger […]